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바이낸스 선물 퀴즈 영문 답 2022.07

문제랑 답을 전긴했는데요 제가 본게 전체 질문지가 아니군요 14개 중에 7개만 보이는 구조군요


쉬운 방법:

대충 체크하고 submit 누르시면 틀린건 빨간색으로 표시됩니다.
틀린거만 다시 체크해서 정답 맞을때 까지 진행하시면 되긴합니다.



문: Which of the following factors affect(s) your maximum borrowing limit?
답: All of the above


문: Which of the following sentences correctly describes your borrowing interest rate?
답: The borrowing interest rate will change with the market, and the system will notify you when it changes


문: Margin level is used to evaluate the risk level of your margin account. How is margin level calculated?
답: Margin level = total assets value/(total borrowed value + total accrued interest value)


문: When receiving a margin call notification, what should you do?
답: Reduce your position to repay the debt or add more collateral into the margin account


문: Which of the following events will force you to liquidate?
답: The margin level has reached the liquidation level


문: When your margin wallet is under liquidation (margin level reaches liquidation level) which of the following best describes what will happen?
답: All of the above


문: A forced liquidation occurs when the margin level reaches the liquidation level. Users are charged a "Liquidation Clearance Fee" in the event of forced liquidation. Which of the following contains the correct description for Liquidation Clearance Fees?
답: When the position is forcedly liquidated, a Liquidation Clearance Fee will be charged according to the amount of the assets being liquidated. The system may use all the remaining assets in the margin wallet to complete the liquidation.